Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A Halloween Quickie!

I'm referring to a meal quickie, you ghastly ghoul! LOL!  After making a "Creepy Crawly Cake" for church and finishing up decorating for Halloween, I had not given much thought to tonight's ghostly repast.  I'd quickly perused different recipes all month  but had made no decision.  Then posting on FaceBook it came to me! Tonight's to-die-for Haunted House menu: Putrid Poultry encased in Dragon Epidermis, Screaming Green Stakes, "Boo" Spuds with Ghoulish toxic waste, Decomposed Baker's Fingers...and then a creepy cocktail..Dracutini's with gorged out eyeballs! Dessert??? Jack O'Lantern's Brew-Ha-Ha & Black Widow Grave Plots!  

Putrid Poultry encased in Dragon Epidermis = roasted turkey breasts wrapped in bacon, sort of like the old filet mignon trick.  Screaming Green Stakes = fresh green beans tossed with crumbled bacon, olive oil & wakame sprinkles. "Boo" Spuds with Ghoulish toxic waste = hot mashed potatoes piped in ghostly forms (more like the Michelin Tire Man!)with black peppercorn eyes. Decomposed Baker's Fingers = refrigerated pack of bread sticks shaped into long fingers, pressed red painted (food coloring) silvered almond "nail" and then a tinted green egg wash with parsley sprinkles.  The results were quick, easy and spooktacular.  Dracutinis were simply black vodka and pomegranate juice and black olives.  Jack O'Lantern's Brew Ha-Ha = A hearty Smuttynose Pumpkin Ale and Black Widow Grave Plots = spider decorated devils food cupcakes.  The Count, Mummy and the Werewolf were happily sated and no need to feed on the Trick or Treaters was necessary!